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[道路交通] NAM Network Addon Mod 37-RC(测试版)

发表于 2020-4-24 10:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 优网城工作室 于 2020-4-25 16:27 编辑

NAM小组已于2020年4月24日发布Network Addon Mod 37 测试版 NAM37测试版



NAM小组很高兴宣布Network Addon Mod的第37版公开发布,即NAM 37。

NAM 37发行候选版不是NAM 37的最终完整发行版,它将在稍后发布,但其目的是使公众有机会试用新功能和改进,并提供反馈并报告任何可能出现的问题。可能会出现,使我们能够生产出更好的最终产品。此子论坛是专门为此类目的而设计的。



发布候选者不是成品。尽管团队进行了极其漫长的alpha测试阶段(11个构建,这是Build 12),并试图消除任何明显的不稳定性,但仍然存在一些问题。


NAM 36暂时将保持可用状态,但NAM团队将专注于将NAM 37发布候选版本改进为NAM 37的最终版本,而不是解决与NAM 36有关的任何问题。


NAM 37 Release Candidate(RC)版本在LEX的SC4 Devotion上托管。

该发行候选版本标志着由daeley设计的NAM新型跨平台Java安装程序的引入。请确保您已安装最新版本的Java Runtime Environment(JRE)

请注意,如果在具有4GB或更多RAM的系统上使用此Mod,则需要NTCore 4GB修补程序,并且由于安装程序的更改,默认情况下不再安装它。未能相应地修补游戏可能会导致“崩溃到桌面”(CTD)错误。可以在下载文件中找到该修补程序,也可以在此处直接从NTCore下载该修补程序,在此处可以找到有关使用修补程序的进一步说明。同样由于此安装程序更改,NAM Controller Compiler也不再作为安装过程的一部分运行。最初将为所有用户提供一个完整的NAM控制器,该控制器的容量很大。如果用户没有使用希望拥有更小的控制器的所有功能,则仍然可以手动运行Controller Compiler,因为它在下载中可用。

NAM现在还使用由daeley设计的基于Java的安装程序,该安装程序是跨平台的(意味着不再有单独的Mac版本,并且不带WINE的Linux支持)。因此,现在需要Java Runtime Environment(JRE)来运行NAM安装程序。以前曾向希望使用NAM Traffic Simulator配置工具(TSCT)的用户推荐。可以从Oracle此处下载JRE。

使用新安装程序后,旧的NAM安装将不再自动删除,因此用户应从其Plugins目录中手动删除“ Network Addon Mod”和“ z___NAM”文件夹。建议(特别是对于此发行候选版本)将这些文件夹备份在Plugins文件夹之外的位置。 “ z___NAM”文件夹已被删除,现在所有文件都安装到“ Network Addon Mod”目录中。

Rail的RealRailway(RRW)标准现在是默认且唯一的选项。原始Maxis Rail规范将通过旧版插件(单独下载)得到支持。另请注意,已从安装程序中删除了许多面向化妆品的NAM插件,例如El-Rail替代实现,Bullet Train Mod和一些高级纹理选项(已弃用)。备用El-Rail和BTM将分别提供。请注意,与Maxis Rail一样,这些插件实际上处于“旧版”状态,并且NAM团队可能不会对其进行积极维护或支持。原始的Maxis高速公路(MHW)和“ Maxis高速公路优先/项目交响曲”(MHO)均可用。

新安装程序也不再处理Station Locator,Updater和Reconstruction Project(SLURP)。旧版本的安装程序将按比例缩小版本,以处理SLURP例程。希望保留使用SLURP的站点的用户应该从现有NAM安装中的“ z ___ NAM \ Mass Transit Lots \ Station Overrides”文件夹中检索它们,可以在“ Mass Transit Lots”子文件夹中找到它们。请注意,在macOS上运行64位版本的SimCity 4的用户可能希望避免检索SLURP工作站,因为工作站存在一些编码问题,导致该版本的游戏出现CTD。

新安装程序也不再执行版本检查。但是请注意,对于Windows用户,仍需要版本1.1.638及更高版本,因为版本1.1.610和1.1.613具有明显的不稳定性,可能会对使用此mod产生重大负面影响。从Origin Store购买的副本可能仍不满足此要求,并且不会向拥有“非官方”游戏副本的用户提供支持。


NAM已切换到由<strong> daeley </ strong>设计的新的基于Java的安装程序,并且对任何支持以下功能的操作系统都具有跨平台支持
RealHighway(RHW)系统经过了大规模的代码检修(“ Mark IV”),极大地提高了稳定性,尤其是在紧凑的情况下。在大多数情况下,现在应该可以在较宽的RHW网络之间进行对角x对角(DxD)交叉(等级分隔)。
现在,RealRailway(RRW)系统是铁路网络的默认(唯一)选项。希望保留原始Maxis Rail的用户应在可用时下载单独的Maxis Rail Legacy插件。
由于交联和支持问题,各种化妆品/传统插件(例如Bullet Train Mod(BTM)和El-Rail Alternate Implementation)不再在主要NAM下载中直接可用。它们可以作为旧版插件单独下载,不能保证获得支持或进一步升级。
可以解决可追溯到NAM 20(!)的影响与Diagonal Streets插件相交的路径问题(感谢McDuell)。
现在,可以使用易于使用的FLEX Pieces来构建RRW分数角度和FlexTrack开关内容,而不必记住拖动/绘制模式。现在提供了一些有限的分数角高架支撑。
基于道路的单瓦片和双瓦片网络扩展Mod(NWM)网络现在支持多半径曲线(MRC)。对于单砖​​网络,请使用适当的NWM网络覆盖基本Road MRC以对其进行转换,并使用双砖版本的专用部件(RD-6使用TLA-5版本的替代-放置道路存根以填充RD-6 R4曲线上的“位”。
L3和L4 FLEXFly件现已可用于RHW。
重新设计了RHW FlexSPUI,改进了对当前RHW网络阵列的支持。支持L0和L2(使用旧式TuLEP OnSlope连接到L2版本)。
现在支持三个新的RHW FLEXRamp:D1-Inside型(RHW-4基座),E1-Inside型(RHW-4基座)和D1-Inside双移位(RHW-6C基座)。
修复了某些NAM文件的文件编码问题,这些问题已知会导致Aspyr的SimCity 4新的64位macOS端口(当前仅是App Store版本)导致台式机崩溃(CTD)错误。



4gb_patch.exe是NTCore 4GB补丁,Controller Compiler文件夹包含NAM Controller Compiler,该文件夹中的文档(以及“功能指南”,“图像”和“旧”文件夹中的文档均松散)自NAM 36起已进行了实质性更新,但将收到NAM 37最终版本的更新)和“交通模拟器配置工具”文件夹,其中包含“交通模拟器配置工具”(TSCT)。</ p>

NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version37-RC.jar是NAM安装程序,您需要运行它来安装NAM。如果在系统上启用了用户访问控制(UAC),则Windows可能会要求您以简单的“是” /“否”提示来批准运行该文件。单击“是”以允许安装程序运行。

为了逐步完成安装程序,只需单击每个选项卡。请注意,必须先同意许可协议,然后才能访问后续选项卡。 “清理”选项卡(在“设置”下)使您可以从旧的NAM版本以及可能引起冲突的NAM之前的运输mod中删除所有残留文件,并随NAM 36一起附带的旧Cleanitol列表一起加载。


如果要从NAM的早期版本进行升级,请手动将旧的NAM安装从插件文件夹移到安全的位置(请注意,这与以前的NAM版本有所不同)。 NAM安装程序无法通过读取现有文件夹结构来检测到以前的安装选项。建议您检查现有安装,以确定当前已安装的功能。





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The NAM Team is pleased to announce the public pre-release of the 37th edition of the Network Addon Mod, NAM 37.

The NAM 37 Release Candidate is not the final, full release version of NAM 37, which will come later, but is instead designed to give the general public an opportunity to try out the new features and improvements, and provide feedback and report any issues that may arise, allowing us to produce a better final product.  This subforum is designed specifically for such purposes.

Note that this version has major, substantial changes in terms of file architecture and installation procedure.


Release Candidates are not finished products.  While the team engaged in an extremely lengthy alpha testing phase (11 builds, this is Build 12) and has attempted to iron out any glaring instabilities, some issues may still be present.

Please note that the documentation has not yet been updated.

NAM 36 will remain available for the time being, but the NAM Team will be focused forward, on improving the NAM 37 Release Candidate into a finalized build of NAM 37, rather than on addressing any concerns with NAM 36.


The NAM 37 Release Candidate (RC) build is hosted here at SC4 Devotion, on the LEX.  

This Release Candidate marks the introduction of the NAM's new cross-platform Java-based installer, designed by daeley.  Please ensure that you have the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

Release Notes
Note that the NTCore 4GB Patch is REQUIRED if using this mod on a system with 4GB RAM or more, and due to the installer change, is no longer installed by default. Failure to patch the game accordingly may cause Crash-to-Desktop (CTD) errors. The patch can be found inside the download, or downloaded directly from NTCore here, where further instructions on use of the patch can be found. Also due to this installer change, the NAM Controller Compiler is no longer run as part of the installation process. All users will be initially given a full NAM Controller, which has a substantial size. Users not using all features wishing to have a smaller controller can still run the Controller Compiler manually, as it is available in the download.

The NAM is also now using a Java-based installer, designed by daeley, which is cross-platform (meaning no more separate Mac versions, and Linux support without WINE). As such, the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is now REQUIRED to run the NAM installer. It was previous recommended for users wishing to utilize the NAM Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool (TSCT). The JRE can be downloaded from Oracle here.

With the new installer, the old NAM installation is no longer removed automatically, so users should manually remove the "Network Addon Mod" and "z___NAM" folders from their Plugins directory. It is recommended, particularly with this Release Candidate, that you back those folders up in a location that is not in your Plugins folder. The "z___NAM" folder has been eliminated, and all files are now installed to the "Network Addon Mod" directory.

The RealRailway (RRW) standard for Rail is now the default and only option. The original Maxis Rail specification will be supported via a Legacy Plugin, downloaded separately. Also note that a number of cosmetic-oriented NAM plugins, such as the El-Rail Alternate Implementation, the Bullet Train Mod, and some advanced texture options (largely deprecated) have been removed from the installer. The Alternate El-Rail and BTM will be made available separately. Please note that, much like Maxis Rail, these Plugins are effectively in "Legacy" status, and may not be actively maintained or supported by the NAM Team going forward. Both the original Maxis Highways (MHW) and the "Maxis Highway Override/Project Symphony" (MHO) remain available.

The Station Locator, Updater, and Reconstruction Project (SLURP) is also no longer handled by the new installer. A scaled down version of the old installer will be made at a later date to handle SLURP routines. Users wishing to retain SLURPed stations should retrieve them from the "z___NAM\Mass Transit Lots\Station Overrides" folder in their existing NAM installation, where they will be found in the "Mass Transit Lots" subfolder. Note that users running the 64-bit version of SimCity 4 on macOS may wish to refrain from retrieving SLURP stations, as there have been some encoding issues with stations that cause that version of the game to CTD.

The new installer also no longer performs a version check. Please note, however, that for Windows users, Version 1.1.638 and above are still required, as Versions 1.1.610 and 1.1.613 have notable instabilities that may have a significant negative impact on the use of this mod. Copies purchased from the Origin Store may still not meet this requirement, and support will not be offered to users with "unofficial" copies of the game.

Features List

  • The NAM has switched over to a new Java-based installer designed by <strong>daeley</strong>, with cross-platform support for any operating system that supports
    the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  • The RealHighway (RHW) system has undergone a massive code overhaul ("Mark IV"), greatly improving stability, especially in compact situations.  Diagonal x Diagonal (DxD) crossings (grade-separated) between wider RHW networks should now be possible in most situations.
  • The RealRailway (RRW) system is now the default (and only) option for the Rail network.  Users wishing to retain the original Maxis Railshould download the separate Maxis Rail Legacy Plugin, when it becomes available.
  • Various cosmetic/legacy plugins, such as the Bullet Train Mod (BTM) and El-Rail Alternate Implementation, are no longer directly available within the main NAM download, due to crosslink and support issues.  They will be available as separate downloads, as Legacy Plugins with no guarantee of support or further upgrades.
  • An initial basic version of the RealExpressway (REW) mod is now available.
  • A pathing issue affecting intersections with the Diagonal Streets Plugin, dating back to NAM 20 (!) has now been fixed (thanks to McDuell).
  • RRW Fractional Angle and FlexTrack switch content can now be constructed using easier-to-use FLEX Pieces, rather than memorizing drag/draw patterns.  Some limited Fractional Angle elevated support is now available.
  • The Road-based Single-Tile and Dual-Tile Network Widening Mod (NWM) networks now support Multi-Radius Curves (MRCs).  For the single-tile networks, override the base Road MRCs with the appropriate NWM network to convert them, and use the dedicated pieces for the dual-tile versions (the RD-6 uses an override of the TLA-5 version--place Road stubs to fill in the "bites" on the RD-6 R4 curve).
  • L3 and L4 FLEXFly pieces are now available for the RHW.
  • RHW FlexSPUI has been redesigned, with improved support for the current array of RHW networks.  Support for L0 and L2 is present (use the legacy TuLEP OnSlope to connect to the L2 version).
  • Orthogonal TLA-3 and AVE-2 connections to the One-Way Road Roundabouts are now supported.
  • Three new RHW FLEXRamps are now supported: Type D1-Inside (RHW-4 base), Type E1-Inside (RHW-4 base), and Type D1-Inside Dual Shift (RHW-6C base).
    Additionally, L1 and L2 support has been added to the Type A2 ramps for the RHW-8C and RHW-10S networks, and the L1 and L2 versions of the RHW-3 network now support Type A1 and B1 ramps.
  • Various "tidal flow"-related pathing issues with the Draggable Elevated One-Way Road Viaducts have been addressed.
  • File encoding issues with certain NAM files that have been known to cause crash-to-desktop (CTD) errors with Aspyr's new 64-bit macOS port of SimCity 4 (currently just the App Store version) have been fixed.
  • A new bridge has been added for the NWM's NRD-4 network.


When one initially opens the NAM package after downloading, there will be several items present, besides the document you are now reading: the installer itself is NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version37-RC.jar.  

4gb_patch.exe is the NTCore 4GB Patch, the Controller Compiler folder contains the NAM Controller Compiler, the Documentation is loose in the folder (and in the "feature-guides", "images", and "old" folders--this has not been substantially updated since NAM 36, but will receive updates for the finalized NAM 37 release), and the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool folder, which contains the Traffic Simulator Configuration Tool (TSCT).</p>
NetworkAddonMod_Setup_Version37-RC.jar is the NAM Installer, which you will need to run to install the NAM.  If User Access Control (UAC) is enabled on your system, Windows may ask you to approve running the file with a simple "Yes"/"No" prompt.  Click "Yes" to allow the installer to run.
In order to progress through the installer, simply click on each tab.  Note that the license agreement must be agreed to before subsequent tabs can be accessed.  The "Cleanup" tab (under "Setup") allows one to remove any residual files from old NAM releases, and pre-NAM transit mods that might cause conflicts, and is loaded with the old Cleanitol list that shipped with NAM 36.

Upgrading from a Previous Version

If you are upgrading from a previous version of the NAM, MANUALLY MOVE YOUR OLD NAM INSTALLATION OUT FROM YOUR PLUGINS FOLDER, INTO A SAFE LOCATION (note that this has changed from previous NAM releases).  The NAM installer can no longer detect your previous installation options by reading the existing folder structure.  It is recommended that you check your existing installation, to determine which features you presently have installed.

Generally speaking, the NAM Team makes every effort to ensure that new versions at least retain some form of "legacy support", such that cities built with any previous NAM version will continue to function well with the latest version.

If you have consolidated your NAM files using a tool such as SC4DatPacker or JDatPacker, please read the note in the "Read First" document, which is also attached to this post.

This release is dedicated to David Edgren (dedgren) and his family--we wish you the best.

And thank you to all the members of the SC4 community for their patience, through this record-long development cycle, and for the continued support of the NAM Team, now (as of the 24th) in its 16th year of operation!

-The NAM Team


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发表于 2020-4-24 21:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 txf0101 于 2020-4-29 21:06 编辑


这么快,居然,,居然 置顶了!

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不知道为什么装了进地图过程中闪退,在WIN10下运行没事,WIN7就闪退,不知道什么原因 ...

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