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发表于 2007-3-27 19:45 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<br />我想合理解決黑屋+需求,
<br />黑屋不盡合理;需求全滿可能改太多也不合理;太少太過都不宜~我想改法案並寫清楚效果。最近沒空,考試窮緊張,不知有沒用,先放著~
<br />---------------------------
<br />原始FORUMS  SimCity 4 Custom Content  Modding - Open Discussion  How to: Make your own Mods
<br />Topic Title: How to: Make your own Mods  
<br />=================================
<br />The most up to date version of ilive reader is necesary, check the mods page of <a href="http://simtropolis.com" target="_blank">http://simtropolis.com</a> for this program.
<br />
<br />How to back up simcity_1.dat
<br />
<br />1. Find it in your program files and then maxis then simcity 4.
<br />2. copy the file to your desktop and leave it there.
<br />3. If anything goes wrong simply replace this file.
<br />
<br />Lesson 1. Creating ordinances that bring in 5000 per resident.
<br />
<br />1. Open your ilive reader and load simcity_1.dat
<br />2. Open the analyser click tree then search
<br />3. Find the plus sign beside ordinances and open it
<br />4. search for the ordinance named smoke detectors
<br />5. click it and in the data that appears on the left choose cost per resident double click this info line and edit the value that can be edited. ( a negative number means you are losing money for purpose of this lesson change it to 50000)
<br />6. While we are here lets also change the flamability rating. Find the line named % effect on flamabillity and change it. (1 = normal flamability 0= no flamability 100000=super flamability)
<br />7. close analyser and save
<br />8. Test out the patch
<br />
<br />Coming soon how to increase fire radius.
<br />========================
发表于 2007-3-27 20:55 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2007-3-27 21:08 | 显示全部楼层


嗯,所以我才想從法案下手。里頭只有demand effect:(+行業)這個指令而已。這樣簡單的小幅修改蠻不錯的。目前的想法就是,還不想改到污染、教育那些(那些照原始的法案設即可)。
<br />
<br />設計一個合理的,有關增加需求的政策
发表于 2007-3-28 09:20 | 显示全部楼层


<br />我曾经把那个改到六个九,好象影响也不大
<br />这个的影响也远没有需求算法规定的那个大
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