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发表于 2007-6-25 09:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原贴 by 天唐永thianz



1.燈光效果。加前綴nitelite-     有效。

2.夜窗效果。方式一:加前綴nite- 無效。   (我真的試太多太多太多次了,不論用什麼方法,加nite,night,-_互換、前後綴、其他字如win,gar,doo,neo…等等,我不知道為什麼一直不成功,而我之前主要就是要對我的模型使用夜窗效果而不是燈光效果,結果這方式的無效導致我誤以為整個夜晚亮燈效果是不成的,事實其實只是其中的夜窗效果有問題。討論串大多總是回報成功,但我看到simtropolis原討論串有許多人回報3dsMAx8在batforMax的使用上有問題。於是我只好暫且歸咎於3dsMAX8。雖然直接加前綴nite無效,但可以用以下的方法解決夜窗效果)

3.夜窗效果。方式二:加Night Material Library。有效。(這方法是對材質(Material)下手而不是對物體的名稱(Object)下手)
也就是BatforMaxInstructions.txt說明中,"ABOUT MATERIAL LIBRARY NIGHTLIGHTING"這一段的做法。

(其更詳細做法,摘自simtropolis的batformax討論串,像我這種自己摸索3dsMax的人如果沒有像他這樣教,自己摸也永遠摸不出來。夜窗效果方式二之所以弄得出來就是因為這一段話you must first create and save a material library, with a name ending in either -night or _night (all lowercase). Then, before you render, you must load this material library. (Type M to get to the material editor, then Material->Get Material then, in the Material/Map Browser highlight the Browse from: Mtl Library radio button, then, below that, hit the File: Open button, then choose the material library (with a name ending in _night or -night) that you previously saved. The message on the rollout should immediately change to Night library will be used.)
The actual materials in the material library can be any name, but materials whose names begin with win doo gar or neo will be self-illuminated at night in the game (more or less), if the material has either a self-illumination map, or has a high self-illumination setting (100 for example, or 80 or 60). (White areas of the self-illumination map are the areas that will be lit)




2、mr Area Omnimr Area Spot這兩個光源,有問題,他們在SC4中,白天就亮起來了哦。所以,新手如我請避免使用這兩種光。


在simtropolis的bat4max討論串看到的CycleDogg於06/20/2004 04:01 AM提到的如下:
「One thing I forgot to mention in the instructions is that you need the following setting to be as follows (if it isn't already):
Customize->Preferences-> Don't anitalias against background  (it needs to be checked).   Otherwise, in the game you will get a black ring around the building.」




09/01/2006 05:38 PM SimFox

Ardeciala: not at the moment.

Although in the readme.txt which comes with Bat4Max v2 said that it is doable and just a matter of time, it to my knowledge hasn’t been done as of yet. I people who were involved with the project from the start and had necessary Scripting skills got bored with it and drifted away, and the new adepts aren’t skilled/knowledgeable in the matter. I have started some alterations of basic scripts to suit my particular needs and been successful, but it is rather small and simple changes, but I’m planning to look at that issue as well.
So for now you are suppose to do it blind.
That said I have come across a script that could make managing lights in a scene much more easier, especially when you have great many of them and the are grouped.
Max comes with whole bunch of scripts and when I started poking at CPBuildingMill.ms I take a look at those default for MAX and found one called Macro_LightList.mcr it is wonderful tool! Here is screenshot of it

To run this script you would need to open MaxScript Listener window and type in upper pink part of it following line:

macros.run “Lights and Cameras” “Light_List”

And then press enter.
If you don’t want to do that every time you would need the macro to run you can easily turn it into a button – just select very same text in MAXScript Listener and drag it to the menu bar. You’ll have new button there, which, naturally you can edit as well giving it appearance you want!


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